Mern Stack Development

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum.
25 Enrolled
26 week

Course Overview

A Mern Stack Development course is designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to work on both the front-end and back-end aspects of web development. Mern stack developers are proficient in a variety of technologies, allowing them to build end-to-end web applications. Here is an overview of the typical content covered in a Mern Stack Development course:

What you’ll learn:-

Module 1 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: HTML 5 ( Hyper Text Markup Language )

  • Introduction To HTML
  • Browsers And HTML
  • Editor’s Offline And Online
  • Tags, Attribute And Elements
  • Doctype Element
  • Comments
  • Headings, Paragraphs, And Formatting Text
  • Lists And Links
  • Images And Tables

Module 2 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets)

  • Introduction CSS
  • Applying CSS To HTML
  • Selectors, Properties And Values
  • CSS Colors And Backgrounds
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Margins, Padding, And Borders
  • CSS Text And Font Properties
  • CSS General Topics

Module 3 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: JS (JavaScript)

  • Introduction To JavaScript
  • Applying JavaScript (Internal And External)
  • Understanding JS Syntax
  • Introduction To Document And Window Object
  • Variables And Operators
  • Data Types And Num Type Conversion
  • Math And String Manipulation
  • Objects And Arrays
  • Date And Time
  • Conditional Statements
  • Switch Case
  • Looping In JS
  • Functions

Module 4 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: ReactJS

  • Introduction To React Js
  • Templating Using JSX
  • Components, State And Props
  • Lifecycle Of Components
  • Rendering List And Portals
  • Error Handling Routers
  • Redux And Redux Saga Immutable
  • Service Side Rendering
  • Unit Testing
  • Webpack

Module 5 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: NodeJS

  • Node Js Overview
  • Node Js – Basics And Setup
  • Node Js Console
  • Node Js Command Utilities
  • Node Js Modules
  • Node Js Concepts
  • Node Js Events
  • Node Js With Express Js
  • Node Js Database Access

Module 6 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Oracle Database

Module 7 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: MongoDB

  • SQL And NoSQL Concepts
  • Create And Manage MongoDB
  • Migration Of Data Into MongoDB
  • MongoDB With PHP
  • MongoDB With NodeJS
  • Services Offered By MongoDB

Module 8 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: RESTful API Development

  • Introduction To RESTful APIs
  • Overview Of HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Designing And Building APIs
  • Choosing Appropriate Data Formats (JSON, XML)
  • Structuring API Requests And Responses
  • Consuming APIs From The Front End
  • Making AJAX Requests To Retrieve Data From APIs
  • Utilizing JavaScript Fetch API Or AJAX Libraries (E.G., Axioms, jQuery. Ajax)
  • Integrating API Data Into Front-End Components And Views

Module 9 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: Full-Stack Frameworks

  • Introduction To Mern Stack Frameworks (MEAN, MERN, Django, Ruby On Rails)
  • Building End-To-End Applications

Module 10 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: Deployment And Hosting

  • Introduction To Version Control
  • Git Basics
  • Remote Repositories
  • Collaborative Workflows
  • Git Tags
  • Git Hooks
  • Git Flow
  • Git GUI Tools
  • Advanced Git Topics (Optional)

Module 11 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: Introduction To Version Control

  • Introduction To Version Control
  • Git Basics
  • Remote Repositories
  • Collaborative Workflows
  • Git Tags
  • Git Hooks
  • Git Flow
  • Git GUI Tools
  • Advanced Git Topics (Optional)

Module 12 Of Mern Stack Web Developer Course: Real-World Projects

  • Collaborative Development On Real-World Projects
  • Capstone Project To Showcase Skills.

The content and duration of a Mern Stack Development course can vary depending on the educational institution, training provider, or specific program. Additionally, hands-on projects, coding exercises, and practical experience are typically integrated into the course to ensure that participants gain practical skills that they can apply in real-world scenarios.


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Tech Minds

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111 Students
4 Courses